Thursday, January 31, 2019

Literary 3x3 Assignment

Abuse births indifference.

Indifference breeds hatred.

Hatred causes death.

Journal Entry 7

I was a little off-put at how blunt of a person Shug Avery was at firs, and her calling Celie ugly for no reason annoyed me., but otherwise she left an okay forst impression on me. Although it's good to see that Mr.__ has a a soft side, I still feel no sympathy for him. My impression of Mr.__ did improve a little after seeing him come together with Celie against his very unlikable father though.

My day was  okay. Tomorrow chicken biscuits will be sold at the Bryant Center which is something that I always look forward too. The math teacher at the Bryant Center will also star teaching us about finances. I have also started filling out applications for another job.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Journal Entry 6

I was glad when Sofia confronted Celie about her telling Harpo to beat her. I feel like Celie will finally start to fight back against the men and circumstances in her life and it's something i'm looking forward to. I also noticed that Celie used the word " pregnant" instead of "big" when she described Sofia, and that she has started to use sentences with complex structure.

My day was okay today. Currently I am kind of angry because a new character was released early on a game I have today for people that pre-ordered and pre-registered the game. I did both, but I didn't get the code to get the character. It was said that it may take 10 days to get the code, so for now I will just wait patiently.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Journal Entry 5

Since we had a substitute today and the work we had to do was related to stuff we had read already, I will not be doing a reflection of what I read today.

My day today could be described as am okay day. Although most of it was spent raging at a game when I got home it was nothing serious. I don't have much to talk about to day so I will just tell a brief story of something that happened a few weeks ago that made me feel stupid. I was looking for my glasses and thought to myself "I would find these a lot faster if I had my glasses on. Let me find those so I can find my glasses faster." It took me about 10 seconds to realize what I had said. I laughed at it, but I also felt extremely dumb.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Journal Entry 4

The happenings of letter 10 and 11 disappointed and saddened me. I was disappointed because Celie didn't speak up about her being Olivia's actual mother and I was saddened due to the death of Nettie. She only got to live a small portion of her life. It makes me think about how people die everyday and some of those people are children.

Aside from the story affecting my mood a little, my day was very un-interesting, When I got home I had found $10 on my dresser, but it turned out that my god-sister had left them there on accident. Now that I think about it that had also disappointed me greatly.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Journal Entry 3

My weekend was very un-interesting. No one came over, nothing interesting happened, and I didn't even play my game as much as I thought I would. Whenever I don't have much to do I end up doing a lot of deep thinking, which was exactly what I did. I found myself wondering about how scientists know whats in space billions of light-years away, yet they don't know whats at the bottom of the ocean. I also wonder how scientists came to the idea that there may be an endless number of universes with an endless number of possibilities. So much goes through my head, but there is so little public information to find the answers.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Day 2

After reading, The Color Purple has given me a mix of emotions, and most of them are negative. Celie's situation really makes one feel sympathy for her. On the other hand, Fonso and his actions make people feel a strong sense of hate and disgust towards him. I was somewhat happy when Mr.___ decided to take Celie away. I say somewhat because it made me worry for her future. It also made me worry for Nattie since Celie isn't there to protect her from Fonso.

Today I had an overall good day. I was kind of mad when I woke up this morning because it was very cold in my house, and I normally don't where a shirt at home. I managed to calm down before I got to school though. I didn't eat breakfast today because it was wack. The highlight of my day though was, without a doubt, getting a Chick-fil-A chicken biscuit from the Bryant Center, and I just have to say: That thang was shmackin. I had put some honey and grape jelly on it too and bruh. OH MY GAWD IT WAS DELICIOUS! I am looking forward to next Friday so can get another one. Not much happened after that. I got home and started playing Super Smash Bros. Ultimate online. I probably made the people I played against mad, but that's not my problem. I am currently doing this at almost 11:30 p.m., so I will end this post here and go listen to he beginning of Sicko Mode.

Thursday, January 10, 2019


Personally, I don't really like doing assignments as a group, but I found this group assignment very interesting and ended up enjoying the process. My favorite part was spit-balling ideas for the monster and it's backstory to see the way others approached the assignment. 

Short Story

Short Story

In the times of old, there were people capable of using an interesting property that most would call magic. These beings that were able to use this ‘magic’ are called witches, who were thought to be abnormal to other humans. These witches were rare to find amongst humans due to the hunt for their heads for using magic. There stood a witch, who normally stayed among humans with ease due to her ability to trick those into thinking she was normal. She lived peacefully along with a male who had figured her out, but instead of giving her out to the people, he protected her and showed kindness towards her. Such an emotion towards witches was rare to even themselves. These peaceful days continued only for short when a townsman had suspected this male, the guard following the word of the town with no stop, they took him in and placed him among execution under the heresy of protecting a witch. The witch whom had lively peacefully among this village soon only felt one thing due to this action caused by the town, hatred. Running away from the village she spent a half day mourning about her loss, until she had settled herself, exacting a plan in mind to get back at the town. Her revenge. Throughout the next days to follow, the witch spent time conjuring and enchanting items to create a creature that would carry this out. As for a final of items, she collected snake’s blood and scales to add to this creature. A creature of absolute beauty, something that would allure any who dare looked at her. A woman by day, a hybrid of snake and woman at night. She was given the name of Ivy. This seemingly beautiful woman, was nothing more than a creation of revenge.

Poem to the monster from another character

Poem to the monster from another character

Ivy, Ivy, I am the one who created you
A witch
I bet you did not have a clue
Let me words be a message
Spread evil on the people
Who have called you a lowdown bitch
Develop a signal
Crashing down like a missile
Trap 'em like tangled chain
And send them to the hospital
Get into their head and redirect them to home like a homerun
Didn't see Ivy hit the bat?
That's because she is already slitherin
I have said what I said
A start and a end
A message to be read and leave the others dead

Poem about the monster

 Poem about the monster

Hey, I am Ivy
The skin on me come off as pretty and shiny
Can't come near me or I will hiss hiss
Send all my enemies into the amiss
Not a miss, definitely a hit
How are you doing?
I'm like the Rock
Do you see what Ivy is brewin?
Yes, that was the third person
Because when I'm done
You'll become the third victim
Y'all don't even know the bars I'm sayin
It's like I have the wisdom
And you all have just got bitten
Okay, okay, I am a snake
Don't cut my head off like Adam
Putting me on a plate
Surround me around friends
So, I know when they're being fake
Listen, I'll show them their due date
I have scales
Of course I am not a male
But this is what you all get
Asking for a tale

Fahrenheit 451 Book Review

Fahrenheit 451 is a science fiction novel    by Ray Bradbury. It shows the readers a world where books have been banned. Whether it be makin...