Thursday, April 25, 2019

Fahrenheit 451 Book Review

Fahrenheit 451 is a science fiction novel  by Ray Bradbury. It shows the readers a world where books have been banned. Whether it be making them, owning them, or distributing them. Although it has a reasonable amount of characters, it feels like only about half of them standout and make an impact on the story. The conflicts in the story consist of man vs man, man vs society, man vs technology, and man vs self, with Guy Montag, our protagonist, experiencing all of the aforementioned situations. Man vs man comes into play when Captain Beatty confronts Montag about straying from the social norm of society. Man vs society happens when Montag starts reading books and since they are outlawed and seen as taboo. Although it was hinted at earlier, man vs technology is most obvious when the mechanical hound pounces at Montag and he sets it ablaze with the flamethrower, and also how he has to compete withe the seashell and parlor walls for his wife's, Mildred, attention. The most prominent conflict would be man vs self. It is prompted o appear by Clarisse when it says"He felt his body divide itself into a hotness and a coldness, a softness and a hardness, a trembling and a not trembling The two halves grinding against each other." It appears again when he stars to doubt his career and the history of the firemen The only dislike I have about the story is that there are few to no humorous moments in the novel. I would give an example, but there isn't one to give. Something I do like about Fahrenheit 451 is how the future depicted is similar to the time we live in now. Although books are not banned, people focus on other miscellaneous things to block out the major issues of society. In the novel Mildred is almost always seen in the parlor watching the walls or with her seashell in her ear, and it's even encouraged to normally drive at extremely unsafe speeds. Another thing I like is the idea of firemen  burning down houses instead of preventing that from happening due to how bizarre the idea is. When I first reading it I didn't too like the book, but as I read on and realize the central message of it, I grew more interested due to how similar it was with today's society. Humans have always been beings that look for pleasure, bu now it seems like that's some people live for and fail to care about anything else. I wouldn't recommend this book to  a certain age group, but to anyone who is looking for a book with a clear message.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Journal Entry 13

Earlier this morning as I was getting ready for school, my family and I saw that a random dog had come and got into our dog's cage. We don't know where it came from or if it has an owner. My mom says she called the dog pound earlier, but they never showed up. The dog is a Pitbull and it looks very malnourished. It makes me sad to see it in it's current condition.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Journal Entry 12

My weekend was uneventful, but at the same time it wasn't boring. For the longest time my shoulder and oblique muscles have been uneven in size, but recently I've noticed progress of them evening out in size. Currently I am upset because when I turned my laptop on to post this the brightness was at max, and it hurt my eyes. I can't think of anything interesting to type about so I will end the post after the next sentence. Goodnight.

Friday, February 8, 2019

Journal Entry 11

I had an good day today. Nothing of interest happened except for me getting a haircut. I feel like the barber cut off more hair than I wanted him to though. I'm very sleepy so this post will be very brief. Today was chicken biscuit day, so of course I got one. It's now a part of my routine to get one every Friday. I do not have much to say about anything, so I will end the post here.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Journal Entries 9 and 10

Since I forgot yesterday this post will count for yesterday and today. Nothing much interesting has happened in the last few days. I've starting playing Monster Hunter, a game that I had stopped playing ever since I got the new Smash Brothers, again. I don't have anything interesting or funny to say, so I will just end the post here.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Journal Entry 8

Today was a good day. I got always a chicken biscuit today which is always a plus in my book. Not only did I get a chicken biscuit, I also got the code for the character I was talking about today. As a matter of fact, today was so good that I feel like something will go wrong soon. A series of positive events always make me uneasy. It feels like life is buttering me up for something bad to happen.

Letter as Sofia

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Literary 3x3 Assignment

Abuse births indifference.

Indifference breeds hatred.

Hatred causes death.

Journal Entry 7

I was a little off-put at how blunt of a person Shug Avery was at firs, and her calling Celie ugly for no reason annoyed me., but otherwise she left an okay forst impression on me. Although it's good to see that Mr.__ has a a soft side, I still feel no sympathy for him. My impression of Mr.__ did improve a little after seeing him come together with Celie against his very unlikable father though.

My day was  okay. Tomorrow chicken biscuits will be sold at the Bryant Center which is something that I always look forward too. The math teacher at the Bryant Center will also star teaching us about finances. I have also started filling out applications for another job.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Journal Entry 6

I was glad when Sofia confronted Celie about her telling Harpo to beat her. I feel like Celie will finally start to fight back against the men and circumstances in her life and it's something i'm looking forward to. I also noticed that Celie used the word " pregnant" instead of "big" when she described Sofia, and that she has started to use sentences with complex structure.

My day was okay today. Currently I am kind of angry because a new character was released early on a game I have today for people that pre-ordered and pre-registered the game. I did both, but I didn't get the code to get the character. It was said that it may take 10 days to get the code, so for now I will just wait patiently.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Journal Entry 5

Since we had a substitute today and the work we had to do was related to stuff we had read already, I will not be doing a reflection of what I read today.

My day today could be described as am okay day. Although most of it was spent raging at a game when I got home it was nothing serious. I don't have much to talk about to day so I will just tell a brief story of something that happened a few weeks ago that made me feel stupid. I was looking for my glasses and thought to myself "I would find these a lot faster if I had my glasses on. Let me find those so I can find my glasses faster." It took me about 10 seconds to realize what I had said. I laughed at it, but I also felt extremely dumb.

Fahrenheit 451 Book Review

Fahrenheit 451 is a science fiction novel    by Ray Bradbury. It shows the readers a world where books have been banned. Whether it be makin...