Monday, February 11, 2019

Journal Entry 13

Earlier this morning as I was getting ready for school, my family and I saw that a random dog had come and got into our dog's cage. We don't know where it came from or if it has an owner. My mom says she called the dog pound earlier, but they never showed up. The dog is a Pitbull and it looks very malnourished. It makes me sad to see it in it's current condition.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Journal Entry 12

My weekend was uneventful, but at the same time it wasn't boring. For the longest time my shoulder and oblique muscles have been uneven in size, but recently I've noticed progress of them evening out in size. Currently I am upset because when I turned my laptop on to post this the brightness was at max, and it hurt my eyes. I can't think of anything interesting to type about so I will end the post after the next sentence. Goodnight.

Friday, February 8, 2019

Journal Entry 11

I had an good day today. Nothing of interest happened except for me getting a haircut. I feel like the barber cut off more hair than I wanted him to though. I'm very sleepy so this post will be very brief. Today was chicken biscuit day, so of course I got one. It's now a part of my routine to get one every Friday. I do not have much to say about anything, so I will end the post here.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Journal Entries 9 and 10

Since I forgot yesterday this post will count for yesterday and today. Nothing much interesting has happened in the last few days. I've starting playing Monster Hunter, a game that I had stopped playing ever since I got the new Smash Brothers, again. I don't have anything interesting or funny to say, so I will just end the post here.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Journal Entry 8

Today was a good day. I got always a chicken biscuit today which is always a plus in my book. Not only did I get a chicken biscuit, I also got the code for the character I was talking about today. As a matter of fact, today was so good that I feel like something will go wrong soon. A series of positive events always make me uneasy. It feels like life is buttering me up for something bad to happen.

Letter as Sofia

Fahrenheit 451 Book Review

Fahrenheit 451 is a science fiction novel    by Ray Bradbury. It shows the readers a world where books have been banned. Whether it be makin...